Histories of American Education. The Liberty Hyde Bailey Library. New Netherland Institute Studies. The Northern Forest Atlas Guides. Brown Democracy Medal Books. Cornell Studies in Money. Cornell Studies in Classical Philology. Myth and Poetics II. Persian Gulf Studies. Religion and American Public Life. Religion and Conflict.
New Japanese Horizons. Zona Tropical Publications. Cornell University Press. Comstock Publishing. ILR Press. Northern Illinois University Press.
Three Hills. Southeast Asia Program Publications. Cornell East Asia Series. Cornell Publishing. Cornell Global Perspectives. Leuven University Press. Get 'em while they're HOT! More Journals. You can also cast darkness as shades of gray. Eerie Token. This token is imbued with when you gain this lineage. As an action, you can send Hags can u n dertake a ritual to irreversibly transform a telepathic message to the creature holding or a hexblood they created i nto a new h ag, either one of carrying the token, as long as you are within their own kind or that embodies the hexblood 's n ature.
This req u i res that both the hag and hexblood be in 10 miles of it. If you are within 10 miles of the accept over the course of centuries. Once a hexblood token, you can enter a trance as an action. During this trance, you can see and hear.
Death isn't always the end. The reborn exemplify d8 Origins this, being individuals who have died yet, somehow, You were magically resu rrected, but something still live. Some reborn exhibit the scars of fatal went wrong. One d ay, your consciousness retu rned. Your memories have faded, though, and their minds are ill equipped to deal with. Their you r body isn't what it once was.
Rather than sleeping, reborn regularly sit and 8 I n public, you pass as an u n remarkable i nd ivid ual, dwell on the past, hoping for some revelation of but you can feel the itchy straw stuffing inside you. Most of the time, these are dark, silent stretches. Occasionally, though, in a moment of peace, stress, or excitement, a reborn gains a glimpse of what came before. What mark or scar on your body does it relate to? I s it a bitter or cheerfu l memory? Does recal l i n g it make you feel the same way?
What about that event or who you were sti l l infl uences you? How d o they advise you? What is it? Why don't you like it now? What are you goi n g to do to recreate that experience? The Reborn Origins table provides suggestions for how your character became reborn. You have escaped death, a fact represented by the following benefits: Har'Akir. You emerged from the mysterious device sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you known as the Apparatus, your body a lifeless shell spend those hours in an inactive, motionless state, and your past a mystery.
When you Creature Type. You choose the a d6 immediately after seeing the number on the size when you gain this lineage. You Speed. If you replace a race with this proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses lineage, you can keep the following elements of when you finish a long rest. Work with your DM to determine how your alphabetical order.
Did you bargain Your soul isn't your own or, at least, it wasn't always with a voice whispering from a mirror, the sea, or yours. Whether you've lived past lives, your soul was the Mists? Does the Dark Gift compound with your swapped into a different body, or you have a link other character choices to reinforce your unique connecting you to another being, you experience origin? Each Dark Gift can be expressed in various echoes from another life. If a character already has a ing each time I die rather than passing on.
Dark Gift, accepting such a bargain causes them to lose their current Dark Gift and gain a new one. The particulars of the 5 I share my body with an i ntangible, otherworldly Dark Gift and how it will affect a character must be force. The offer of a Dark Gift might manifest in a dream, in a moment of frozen time, or when the Channeled Prowess.
You gain proficiency in two character is alone. Typically, only one character is skills of your choice.
You can speak, read, and write was accepted. The DM might have a mysterious force intervene Intrusive Echoes. Once one of acter's life, but only if they accept its Dark Gift. Their voices endlessly whisper, taunt, or cajole, D M 's choice for 1 m i n ute or until the creature sometimes rising to unearthly howls.
Only you can damages you. The spirits are intangible and invisible; the D M 's choice for 1 m i n ute, or u ntil the creature anyone who can see invisible creatures sees only damages you. During t h i s time, you Spirits table to determine what haunts you. Your speed is halved until the d6 Spirits end of your next turn.
A council of my dead ancestors watches over me. You are 2 Fiendish presences vie for my soul. You r memory is one of tri umph. You can re rol l the 3 U n quiet souls are drawn to me and beg for peace. You must use the new rol l.
When you cast the spell, the My s hadow often holds weapons or bears wounds messages are delivered by one of your whispering that don't exist. Sudden Cacophony. Once this trait causes an S My shadow fidd les with or occasionally breaks attack to miss, you can't use the trait again until you finish a long rest. Ti ny, non magical objects. Voices from Beyond. Immediately after you make 6 There's a sl ight but noticeable delay between my an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw movements and those of my shadow.
You learn the mage hand loud to ignore. Roll on the Voices from Beyond table cantrip if you don't already know it, and require no to determine the effect of these voices. Once one of components to cast it. The hand created by the spell these effects occurs, none of these haunting voices is shadowy but is not bound to your actual shadow.
Your shadow stretches and delivers the 2 You are deafened by the voices for 1 m i n ute. You can use this feature a 3 You are fr ightened of the creature closest to you, number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, other than you rself, until the end of you r next turn. Ominous Will. Immediately after you make an which creature you are frightened of. The omen manifests as whisperings ity check, or a saving throw, roll a d4. If the number from your spi rits perceptible only to you.
Once this effect occurs, it can't happen again The shadow you cast is animate and ever-present, until you finish a short or long rest. Your shadow occasionally moves out of sync The Mists grip all who tread the Domains of Dread, with you. Sometimes it appears to be undertaking but you know how to slip through their grasp. You random but mundane tasks, while at other times it can navigate the Mists successfully given enough acts out your darker impulses, threatening or even time and a little luck, but this freedom comes with attacking other shadows.
With effort, you can bend a price; if you remain in one area for too long, the this shadow puppetry to your will. Mists find you and drain your life force. Additionally, you gain the traits that follow. An exaggerated version of you r own form Ever since, you can manipulate them, but the lands 2 H ybrid form of h u manoid and beast you walk have turned aga inst you. You c a n never rest 5 A fey-l i ke s ha pe, either brooding or passionate for long, k nowing you 're sti l l being pursued.
You can cast the alter self spell. M ists. They taught you how to do the same. You've been ferent option. Casting alter self in this way requires on a q uest to find your way back ever since. You can cast the misty step spell, you can cast it this way again.
If casting ability for this spell is Intelligence, Wisdom, you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can or Charisma your choice when you gain this Dark cast this spell with them. If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, When you cast alter self using this feature, some you can cast this spell with them. When you enter the Mists intent the spell ends. The mark is a perceptible you possess a Mist talisman keyed to that domain.
The mark fades after you finish main you have chosen as your destination, but you a long rest. This Involuntary Change. Certain circumstances can trait doesn't allow you to bypass domain borders activate your Dark Gift. After you experience this closed by a Darklord's will. Thereafter, each time you finish tary change. When you show this side of yourself, you might 4 Hearing a particular melody become another person entirely, a celestial-like 5 Touching pure si lver with your bare skin avenger, or a walking nightmare.
Whatever the 6 Seeing someone resembling a specific individual specifics of this form, it exaggerates some drive or hidden nature within you. Roll on or choose an option from the Second Form table to determine this other side of yourself. It manifests physically somewhere on you and Once you succeed on a saving throw due to this relies on you for its survival.
At the same time, it trait, the symbiote can't use it again until you finish offers you knowledge and other assistance, either a long rest. Your symbiote has an agenda nature. If you ing those goals. If you biote while you have this Dark Gift. Even if you go have an opportunity to advance its agenda and don't to drastic lengths, such as severing the part of your act on it, the symbiote can try to force your hand.
Additionally, you gain the mands. If you take damage that is not self-inflicted, traits that follow. Entwined Existence. Your symbiote is a separate 3 The symbiote wants to bring a prophecy to fruition entity with its own physical form bound to yours.
It or to thwart one. The DM sets the symbiote's abilities or determines 5 The symbiote wants to keep you from harm at all them randomly roll 4d6 for each score, ignoring the costs and bel ieves it k nows what's best for you. The symbiote can 6 The symbiote seeks to experience new sensations, see and hear using your senses.
The symbiote speaks, reads, and understands two the more bizarre the better. You gain proficiency in that skill if you skin. By the same token, you can deliver death to don't already have it, representing the symbiote's your enemies with your touch. Roll on or choose an option from the Deadly If you die, so does your symbiote. Additionally, you gain the traits vives as well.
Sustained Symbiosis. When you fail a saving throw, you can choose d6 Manifestation to have your symbiote expend one of your Hit Dice to roll it and add the number rolled to the saving You r body is alchemically or biologically altered, throw, potentially turning the failure into a success.
If it uses this feature on a death saving throw, you 2 The m agic of a slighted druid or fey makes small plants wither and insects die i n your presence. Ever since, d eath and i l l omens fol low you. Anyth ing you touch is warped by the distortion. Death Touch. You can focus your deadly touch against your foes. As an action, make one unarmed strike. On a hit, the target takes an additional ldlO necrotic damage.
This damage increases by ldlO when you reach 5th level 2d 10 , 1 1th level 3d 10 , and 17th level 4d Inescapable Death. When you hit a target with an attack roll and deal necrotic damage, you ignore the target's resistance to that damage. Withering Contact. When you start your turn grappling a creature or grappled by it, the creature takes ldlO necrotic damage. These creatures act like normal examples of their kind, but their behavior suggests a hint of malice. No matter what precautions you take, you can't Borrowed Eyes.
As an action, you can influence permanently drive these spirits away. They always the presence guiding the watchers for 1 hour. Once you use this feature, you table to determine what sorts of forms the spirits can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Dread Presence. Jackals, ravens, vultures disadvantage on saving throws made against the 2 Inescapable judgments. Animate tools of punish- scrying spell. Animate objects, clockwork Presence for 1 hour.
Crabs, eels, jel lyfish finish a long rest. G host orbs, shadows, ectoplasmic wisps 8 Venomous Vermin. Scorpions, serpents, spiders. On a hit, the of powerful forces to change the world once more. The target and 3rd-level College of Spirits feature anothe r creature of its choice it can see within You can reach out to spirits to guide you and others. For risma modifi er. When the 3rd-level College of Spirits feature target teleports, it can choose a n u mber of You employ tools that aid you in channeling spirits, creatures it can see within 30 feet of it up to be they historical figures or fictional archetypes.
For 1 min ute, any creature Starting at 6th level, when you cast a bard spell that hits the target with a melee attack takes that deals damage or restores hit points through the force damage eq ual to a rol l of your Bardic Spiritual Focus, roll a d6, and you gain a bonus to I nspiration d ie.
While you are holding your Spiritual Focus, 7 Tale ofthe Beguiler. You retain the ration die, and the target is incapacitated u ntil tale in mind until you bestow the tale's effect or you the end of its next turn.
If the target hits to be the target of the tale's effect. If the tale requires a saving throw, the DC equals your spell save DC.
Each creature of the target's choice it can see with i n 30 feet of it m ust make a Strength savi ng th row. On a failed save, a creature takes thu nder damage equal to three rolls of your Bardic I n spiration die and is knocked prone.
A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much da mage and isn't knocked prone. The target spews fi re from the mouth in a foot cone. Each creature i n that area must make a Dexterity savin g throw, taki ng fi re damage eq ual to four rolls of your Bardic I nspiration die on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The target must succeed on an I ntelligence savi ng throw or take psychic damage eq ual to three rol l s of your Bardic I nspiration die and be stun ned until the end of its next turn.
You can conduct the ritual with a number of willing creatures equal to your proficiency bonus including yourself. At the end of the ritual, you temporarily learn one spell of your roll on the Spirit Tales table, you can roll the die choice from any class.
The chosen spell counts as a bard spell for Storytel lers, l i ke bards of the Col lege of Spirits, often you but doesn't count against the number of bard give voice to tales inspired by some greater theme spells you know. When determ ining what stories you Once you perform the ritual, you can't do so again tell, consider what u nites them. Use the tales you tel l to defi ne your You now have the ability to nudge the spirits of Tales niche as a storytelling adventu rer.
Whenever you. For such beings, time and ing spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. Having once been mortal themselves, Spell Level Spells these ancient undead know firsthand the paths of 1 st bane. As a bonus action, you transform for 1 minute.
You can transform a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. The appearance of your Form of Dread reflects some aspect of your patron. For example, your form could be a shroud of shadows forming the crown and robes of your lich patron, or your body might glow with glyphs from ancient funerary rites and be surrounded by desert winds, suggesting your mummy patron.
You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. While you are using your Form of Dread, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the necrotic damage the target takes. Optional now saturates your body. You have resistance to features and characteristics for characters of any necrotic damage. Additionally, the haunted one crotic damage.
Finally, a selection of point instead and cause your body to erupt with horror trinkets provide characters options to carry deathly energy. Each creature of your choice that is their own personal terrors.
Once you use this reaction, you can't do This section presents optional features for any so again until you finish ld4 long rests. As an action, you can project your spirit An ancestor or mentor's deeds earned them a place from your body.
Now it's your turn. You've inherited a token Your spirit resembles your mortal form in almost from your predecessor, something that marks you every way, replicating your game statistics but not as their inheritor, such as a signet ring, signature your possessions. Any damage or other effects piece of clothing, or notable weapon. Your spirit can remain outside your swiftly learn the local opinion of your predecessor.
When your ing changes. If they have, rumors of your connection projection ends, your spirit returns to your body or spread swiftly, and many locals consider you either your body magically teleports to your spirit's space a hero or a threat. Heroes are welcomed and might your choice. Add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using this type of divining tool. Characters who have previously adventured in Ravenloft, such as those I had an encou nter that I believe gives me a special from a previous Curse of Strahd campaign, make good affinity with a su pernatural creature or event.
Alternatively, the deed of your characters in serves as an emblem of who I am. Whatever 3 I never accept that I'm out of my depth. N o door tions can fo rge the conti nuing legend of a whole fa m i ly remains u nopened i n my presence. S I let people u nderestimate me, revealing my fu l l If you're i nterested in exploring this, the I n heritor background feature provides a token that m ight be competency o n l y t o those close t o me.
I ' l l always do what I think is right. You survived. Whatever it was, you made it through, 9 Ihave a personal ritua l , mantra, or relaxation and you can help others do the same. People view method I use to deal with stress. You are aware of nonmagical recovery 11 I 'm q u ick to j u m p to extreme solutions. You know how to speak to sympathetic doctors, 12 I 'm easily startled, but I ' m not a coward.
I 've experienced s uch stra ngeness that couldn't begin to understand. Perhaps your home is now I feel alive only in extreme situations. I strive to cou nter the deeds of someone world entirely. In any case, you and other travelers for whom I feel responsible.
You can find a place to 3 Bound. I 've wronged someone and m ust work hide, rest, or recuperate among sympathetic trading their will to avoid thei r cu rse. I believe there is someth ing beyond the long as you don't present yourself as a danger. Such world I know, and I need to find it. S Legacy. I work vigorously to keep others from fect accuracy. Characters in a horror-focused campaign might 8 Obligation. I owe it to my people, faith, family, or have distinct motivations and characteristics.
My life is no longer my own. I m ust fu lfill ground's suggested characteristics or to inspire the dream of someone who's gone. I need to know what lies beyond the mysteries of death, the world, or the M ists. I know the forces at work i n the world and strive to create islands apart from them.
I care about the truth above all else, even if it doesn't benefit anyone. It's up to me to redeem them. I will fi ght against it 8 I need to find the best in everyone and everything, and the world's other evi ls for as long as I can. I d o a l l I can to help them 10 I'm exceptionally cautious, planning laboriously find peace. Now you feel a darkness threatening to consume you, and you fear there may be no hope of escape.
Choose a harrowing event that haunts you, or roll one on the Harrowing Events table. You can feel it watching you , coldly a n d distantly. Sometimes it beckons you in the dead of night. You don't know what i t wants, a n d it won't leave y o u alone. You d abbled once and felt something horrible cl utch at your soul, whereupon you fled i n terror.
You've tried to bury it and run 7 A hag kidnapped a n d raised you. You escaped, but away from it, to no avail. Whatever this thing is that the hag sti l l has a magical hold over you and fills haunts you can't be slain with a sword or banished you r m i n d with evil thoughts.
You bu rned t h e book, b u t its refuses to die, or a demonic whisper in the dark. The burden has taken its toll, isolating you from 9 A fiend possessed you as a child. You were locked most people and making you question your sanity. The fiend is still inside you, but stroys you. You became a monster, and it cana, Investigation, Religion, or Survival Languages: Choose two, one of which must be haunts your waking d reams.
Why and how did you get involved? Was it solved? Roll on or choose details from tivated by belief in the law and a sense of universal the First Case table to develop the mystery that justice, or maybe that very law has failed you and started your career as an investigator. Or d8 Case maybe you're a detective for hire, uncovering secrets for well-paying clients. Whether the mysteries you're A fr iend was wrongfully accused of m u rder. You embroiled in are local crimes or realm-spanning tracked down the actual killer, proving your friend's conspiracies, you're driven by a personal need to innocence and starti ng your career as a detective.
When you what others would keep hidden in the shadows. Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from among In- N ow you search to d iscover what h appened to you. Ever since, other spectral c lients have Equipment: A magnifying glass, evidence from a sought you out to help them fi n d rest. Your first case influenced the types of mysteries 5 You were wrongfu l ly accused and convicted of a you're interested in.
Why was this case so impactful, crime. You managed to escape and seek to help personal, or traumatic? Whom did it affect besides others avoid the experience you suffered, even while still being pursued by the law.
M em bers of a secret organ ization found you. You tried to expose this mysterious cabal , but no o n e believed you. You're sti l l tryi ng t o prove what you know is true. You often wonder which you value more, the truth or your pay.
Through a combination of fast-talking, determination, and official-looking documentation, you can gain access to a place or an individual related to a crime you're investigating. Those who aren't involved in your investigation avoid impeding you or pass along your requests.
All manner of talismans, mementos, criminal side never eat or leave evidence, mysterious devices, cursed relics, and 21 A lepidopterist's box fi l led with dead moths with physical impossibilities might embody just such skull-like patterns on their wings scars-summaries of terrors in material form.
These trinkets hint toward various 25 A hand mirror backed with a bronze depiction of a horrific tales and might lead to dreadful revelations medusa or be nothing more than grim keepsakes. For example,. The setting as a whole is made up of count- and I must become exactly like them so I can take less isolated domains, each one a perfect expression their place. Creating your Opposite Reflections. For example, transform "I idolize and buried alive inside your favorite horror genres.
Use these exaggerated and opposite reflections as inspirations for creating your Darklord. Through their interactions with a Darklord vise a Domain of Dread, you must first conceive its who mirrors them, characters discover how easily central antagonist and prisoner: its Darklord. The they could become the villains they face. Darklords aren't mindless killing machines; they are full but monstrous individuals. You need not create these in a players' characters.
You might also look ahead to vacuum, though. When creating your own Darklord, the "Genres of Horror" section to see if any of these consider the relationship that will define their evil types of horror seem right for your Darklord. Then in your adventures: their conflict with your players' consider the following questions. What to Reflect. Write them down. As you proceed through befriend them and then betray them. Take note of the d rawn card's name, physical orientation, and suit.
To do this, give them ideals, bonds, and than solve them. In one sentence, describe an ideal that and I chain objects of my affection to pedestals. In one sentence, describe a person, place, all of my beliefs and loya lties to possess it. Avoid a bond 10 I'm distrustfu l of a nyone who seems pure of heart that is simply about power; power isn't an end in and will prove to a l l their admirers how secretly itself-power is a means to obtain a bond.
If a person's potential hatred, insecurity, jealousy, mayhem, obsession, for evil is particularly great, the Dark Powers might selfishness, shame-that drives an irrational habit indirectly nurture further transgression, but they causing the Darklord or others harm.
When an evildoer's wickedness ripens, flaw from the Fatal Flaws table. The following elements all might be aspects of this corruption: Evil Acts. Accidents, self-defense, deeds necessary for survival, and forced or coerced actions do not qualify.
Those Harmed. The people the Darklord harmed need to feel real. Give them names. Imbue them with agency, and don't define them as victims or props. The Dark Gifts in chapter 1 serve ship changed. Once the Dark Powers take an evil Darklord might possess.
In any case, consider how person, that individual's fate is sealed. Before the this transformation embodies the Darklord's evil. Once dlO Transformation an evildoer becomes a Darklord, it is far too late.
The Darklord loses their voice; their words now Consider whether your Darklord had a chance to carve themselves on their skin as li ngering scars. Darklords are villains because of what they choose 3 The Darklord's eyes d istend from their sockets l i ke to do, not because of who they were. As you refine a s l ug's tentacles, i n the mouths of serpents, or on your idea for a Darklord, determine what deeds a meta llic cables.
Darklord committed, who was harmed, how the 4 The Darklord's most pai nful memories visually Dark Powers encouraged them, and the price the repeat i n reflection s around them or amid ill usory Darklord paid. Consider these questions when creating your made of a n inorganic material or others react as if Darklord's backstory: it were terrifying.
Did that reaction encourage greater crimes? Were these rewards earned or justified? How did they react? The Darklord might takes, and how they came to the attention of the have been a supernatural creature to begin with, or Dark Powers. Flesh out these details, referring back perhaps they gained their form and related powers to how the Darklord reflects your players' characters through their deeds or a curse.
Maybe they even and the section on creating nonplayer characters in gained supernatural abilities via a pact with the the Dungeon Master's Guide as you desire.
Dark Powers or upon arriving in their domain. Now, everything the Darklord knew changes and Consider whether or not your Darklord has a they find themself a prisoner within a domain of monstrous form. If so, in a few sentences, describe their own. You might also.
This setting's details Darklord's past ensure their greatest desire remains should reflect the Darklord of the domain, being a in view but ever out of reach. Use the lord is effectively immortal, their psychology never "Genres of Horror" section later in this chapter or changes and their wounds never heal.
Everything in their realm is inspired by or Endless Cycles. The Darklord shepherds another personalized to them in some way. Last Gasp. An impending threat is on the cusp of A Darklord's domain often includes sights, overwhelming the Darklord and their domain.
Darklord committed. Consider selecting those that Obstinate Ignorance. The Darklord is cursed to best complement the players' characters and that be unable to learn from past mistakes or perceive don't conflict with any boundaries discussed in your their own failings, though they're convinced that group's session zero see "Preparing for Horror" this time will be different.
For each evil act, imagine the scene Shocking Reminders. Unpleasant Hope. Is it about this marks all represent the Darklord's vile past. When scene or something else entirely? Are they relevant to the scene Specify Locations.
Choose locations similar to or unrelated? In a few warnings were missed or foreshadowed? Pair opposites together, As you proceed through domain creation, refer back something creepy with something cute, dead with to these details for inspiration. They claim rivers of blood are crimson a domain contort to maintain this status quo. What wise unrealistic? While a domain's Don't get bogged down with the particulars of a culture might take inspirations from fantastical or working society.
It doesn't matter how a village in historical examples, remember that a domain isn't a domain of endless night grows crops, but it does a functional or even logical construction. Domains matter that the supplies are about to run out.
A domain's inhabitants never develop, and highlight the cosmic dread that declares, yes, this they never reach their goals. A domain's oppressive place doesn't make sense at all, yet it persists. Determine some aspect o f the Barovia in chapter 3. Not one villager in Barovia domain or Darklord that captures the characters' thinks it's wise to live in the shadow of Castle attention. What can the heroes learn that points them can they imagine living anywhere else.
Life is as it's to larger threats or the Darklord's past? Consider who might need the characters' aid and might guide them to deeper mysteries. Consider which monsters complement or front the Darklord's threats. For inspiration, refer contrast a Darklord's story. Requesting the Call of Cthulhu Miskatonic University guide - the newer one. The Trove only has the much smaller older one. This is the one with the student on the cover and a subtitle 'dark secrets and campus life.
I know it just came out recently but does anyone have BESM 4th addition to share? I don't have torrenting right now. I want to look it over before buying since 3rd was cool but not worth the print on demand price in my opinion. Much appreciated. Hi all! Any kind soul willing to share? Found it! I'm looking for "Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game" pdf. I recently start re-reading Hellboy comics and i really want to GM to hellboy game for me friends.
Hello, Looking for Vampire DarkAges v20 core book. Thank you! Requesting star adventurer by the rpgpundit It's on the do not share list in the regular thread and I don't want to pay kasmir a cent. Does anyone have Wargames Illustrated from recent years? Looking for the WFRP 4e core book and all of the others. Thanks in advance. Looking for a trove of everything by GRAmel, but am specifically looking for their "Adventurers! Academy" pdf. I,m looking for "Dance of the vampires 2th edition" from Admiralty Trilogy Group.
It,s a supplement for the 4th edition of the classic Harpoon naval boardgame. Anyone can help me? Humbly requesting a freed copy of the Numenera for DnD 5e, or a link to a trove that contains it. So here's a weird request. Somebody went through and made a mind-boggling exhaustive document containing any and all first-party 3.
I'm not sure if they're moralfagging or if they're just afraid of getting DMCA'd to shit, but to actually acquire this document you have to sent them a written statement that you own physical copies of all of the books referenced.
Which of course nobody on the planet does. I don't suppose there's a copy of this document floating around anywhere, is there? There's one on ScribeDB, but it's v7 and current is v11, with significant improvements and inclusions since. Give me Queen's Blade in English, there were four of them but I can't find them.
Ironfang doesn't work anymore. I'm not even really looking for the whole thing. Just a picture of the secrets table. Heist trove, looking for a collection of heists and other similar adventures, just a whopping large cache of them to stort though for inspirtation and taking things from.
I'm looking for the Scion 2e Demigod Manuscrit or rather, the chapter that are already available to backers. Apologies if it's already up somewhere. I've searched some general purpose directories and look the da archives by the author name and title without finding it, but I could imagine it being tucked somewhere slightly less intuitive.
Looking for the new Trinity Continuum books and the Contagion Chronicle. Can't find them in any of the troves I know. Anyone have the newest Dystopia Rising Evolution books?
I have searched high and low, even checking Da Archive, multiple Troves and The Trove for this stupid fucking book. Does anyone have Arcforge: Psibertech? Hey, fellas! Top of the morning to you! I'm really hyped for Tasha's, as i'm about to start a 5e campaign. HI does anyone have the latest edition of the legend of the five rings, stuff?
Can someone upload this pdf for me? The trove doesn't even have it. Does anyone have the PF2 data libraries for Fantasy Grounds? I know its old but does someone have Kingdom death: Monster pdfs? Mainly the rulebooks but anything would be appreciated. Requesting Undaunted: North Africa's full rulebook with scenarios. Does anyone have complete English scans of Talisman 3rd edition expansions cards, game boards, characters etc..
Including the most recent ones? Anyone got the stargate living world missions? And Time Stories stuff? Thank you for the links.
Thank you for your help. Anyone got the backer release of Heirs to the Shogunate? I only have the preview manuscript. Apparently a lot has changed. Anyone got em? Anyone know where to find Pathfinder 1e stuff? Specifically the campaign setting and loose ends sort of deals? Like Pathfinder 1e companion stuff. Idk where tf they expect you to get that shit legitimately.
If not here, is there a place you ppl recommend to find hi-res images of card games? Try looking up the artist themselves should be on the card and you should be able to find a gallery of their work.
The site's owners have been dead quiet lately. I miss it, site was extremely useful. I'm looking for the Advanced Player's Guide for Pathfinder 2e. Thanks in advance for any help. Thank you unknown moderator who is the only one who can handle us fucking shit lords. I have a loooong list of books I'm looking for, but most are old and not worth posting here. The admin supposedly is working on getting it back up. I've had some decent luck using eMule to find books.
Still a relatively active community there.