Will you write the way into their heart? This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.
Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Nominate this game for an award. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. Title: Doki Doki Literature Club! Publisher: Team Salvato. Share Embed. Play Game. Add all DLC to Cart.
View Community Hub. About This Game Hi, Monika here! Welcome to the Literature Club! It's kind of giving me an identity crisis. Natsuki: Sometimes you can explain complicated issues with much simpler analogies And it helps people realize how stupid they're being. Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere. I'm not boring you, am I? Tropes D-F. As Yuri undergoes Sanity Slippage and her dialogue becomes more frantic and distorted, she reveals some uncomfortable details about what she has been doing with a pen dropped by the player character.
Dating Sim : The game allows you to spend time with one of Sayori, Natsuki, or Yuri at the beginning of each day depending on the inclination of the poem that you "compose" beforehand, complete with CG art. Though at one point, the game will have you pick between Natsuki or Yuri, and their choice will be followed, regardless of the poem on that certain day. The second downplayed version is "I Still Love You" , which is heard during Monika's Heel Realization after her deletion by the player.
Interestingly enough, the actual theme plays right as Yuri stabs herself. Daylight Horror : Being a Dating Sim , everything happens during the day, and almost all of the horrifying things in the game happen in bright, well-lit places while the game maintains its cheery facade. Deconstruction : Of Breaking the Fourth Wall. Imagine if the character winking at the camera actually knew that their reality was all fabricated to appease the real people living in a limitless real world just behind a screen.
Monika goes against her programming to try and romance the player in an attempt to get something out of the real world. Of Reality Warper powers, kind of. Being able to tear apart reality would not necessarily result in reality surviving the process. The more Monika modifies the game — her reality — the more broken reality and the other people living in it becomes.
Not exactly a full deconstruction as the limitation is Monika's inability to properly alter the programming. Oddly, this is the first time he's experienced these events. But it won't be his last time. Yuri also mentions having one when Monika rewinds the player seeing Yuri cut herself for the third time.
Derailing Love Interests : Actually ends up a plot point ; in Act 2, Monika deliberately ratchets up the worst traits of both Yuri and Natsuki in an attempt to make herself look more appealing than either of them. Developers' Desired Date : Played with. The game at first gives you the options of Sayori , Natsuki , and Yuri to pursue a relationship with. Once the game reaches a certain point, you'll have to pair up with one of the girls to make preparations for an upcoming event, but you're forced into choosing either baking cupcakes with Natsuki or designing a banner with Yuri regardless of whether or not you've been interacting with Sayori more.
Later on, Sayori admits she's been suffering from depression for a long time, and the player is given the option to either confess their love to her, or declare her his best friend, the former happening even if you've exclusively hung out with the other two girls. Then Sayori commits suicide regardless of which choice you made.
From there, Monika tinkers with the game files to alter Natsuki and Yuri's personalities to make them less appealing, while substituting certain options so you're forced to choose her at some points.
At the end of Act 2, she erases all three other girls from the game's files so she's the only option the player has. Developers' Foresight : The scene featuring Sayori's suicide features the background turning into a fake Ren'Py crash screen.
If you check the game files after it appears, you can actually discover a traceback. The end of this file features a hidden message from Monika. After Monika deletes everyone before Act 3 starts, she will call you by your character's name, and then your OS profile's name. If you're currently streaming, however, she will only call you by your character's name, then admonish you for bringing an audience along a little later, giving you a measure of privacy.
To defeat Monika after she performs a hostile takeover of the game, you have to delete her character file from your computer. If you start a new game with Monika's character file already deleted, Sayori will suddenly go insane and the game will crash, followed by a grainy black-and-white cut to her suicide if you open the game again.
If you delete Sayori's character file instead, it just cuts straight to the image. The non- golden ending explains why this happens: Sayori, now president of the Literature Club, gains knowledge about everything Monika did and knew. If Monika is deleted before you even start, Sayori gains knowledge that everything is just a visual novel. As Sayori becomes aware that she's in a game, it drives her insane. If you try to reinsert Monika's character file into the game after she "resurrects" the other three, a message pops up from her telling you to stop playing with her heart, before the game erases it and continues as intended.
A rare scene can happen if you somehow manage to back up your save files and are able to access them when they haven't happened in the "Act" you're playing the video shows someone trying to view a scene from Act 2 while in Act 1. Monika will chastise the player for "cheating," and then restart the game.
Does This Remind You of Anything? The raccoon then follows her everywhere, so she always keeps some bread and a knife ready to feed it. She gains an addiction to giving it food over time, admitting that she gains satisfaction from it.
The poem also heavily focuses on the knife, and the last stanza mentions "a rush of blood. During Yuri's already suggestive confession speech, you can hear ragged sighs in the background, as though she's on the verge of ecstasy. Given how the game originally presents itself as a love story, it makes sense in that context, but it also still fits following the Genre Shift into horror, considering how fear can also cause an elevated heart rate.
Downer Ending : After the player deletes her character file, Monika sends the player back to the beginning of the game, restoring the other three girls and making Sayori the president.
Everything seems to be going well As she begins to recreate Monika's room, she and the rest of the girls are deleted by Monika, who realizes there is no happiness for anyone in the game. As the credits roll, the CGs are deleted unobtained ones rendered in grayscale , along with other aspects of the game. It ends on a note from Monika disbanding the club, which is all you'll see if you try to reload the game again.
As aforementioned, deleting Monika's character file after opening the game executable but before starting a new game causes Sayori to panic, eventually cutting to a black screen, and then to a black and white image of her corpse. Reopening the game simply leaves you with a black screen stating "END. Sayori also deletes herself if you delete Monika's character file before starting a game, as she realizes that she's a video game character, and it drives her insane.
Dutch Angle : One of the glitches in Act 2 is the club room and all the character sprites very slowly zooming in and getting more and more tilted over the course of a conversation before suddenly snapping back to normal.
As seen here, Monika is unaffected. Dysfunction Junction : Even before Monika starts really messing with the game, there are implications that all your love interests have some serious issues. Everyone in the club has their own flavor: Sayori: Depression. She always puts the happiness of others over her own, and despite being a very adept Stepford Smiler , the damage this leaves on her becomes very apparent after Act 1. The game states several times that, fantastical elements aside, this is very characteristic of real-life depression.
Natsuki: Domestic abuse. Even before Act 2, Natsuki has a very crabby attitude that is directly attributed to her father not being a good parent. How much of it can be classified as "abuse" pre-file editing is sketchy, but at the very least it's implied he doesn't feed her properly. Yuri: Alienation. She has a constant crippling fear that her closet habits will freak people out were they ever to learn about them, and that fear is implied to have been founded more than once before she joined the Literature Club.
Once again, how much of these habits are pre-edit is up for debate, but Yuri is confirmed to collect unique knives as a hobby. Monika: Existential crisis. Monika is fully aware that she is a side character in a Dating Sim , and as much as she loves the Literature Club, she has trouble seeing other characters as human because she knows they're just computer files.
She desperately clings to the player character because they're the closest thing to "real" in her life, an unhealthy mindset made worse when the game's Railroading keeps pushing her away from the player character. MC: Empty shell. No, the main character is not exempt from this, and in fact has the worst role in the entire game: being the MC.
Not only is he stuck with saying the same lines over and over again through digital lobotomy, but he had to watch as the members he meets slowly start to get corrupted and die off one by one, not to mention the fact that he gradually loses his voice and personality.
After Yuri's death, he is left as nothing but a shell for the true main character, a. Easter Egg : The player can discover random "special poems" that have a significantly different tone to what the girls compose normally. Additional text files are created in the game folder during Act 2.
They disappear once Act 3 begins. The game folder contains ". While it has importance within the game itself, opening these files in a text editor may first return nonsense until one notices it's under multiple layers of encoding. See here for the decoded files and the process behind it. In the event the player decides to humor Monika and stay in their literally endless conversation instead of deleting her files to advance the story, she has a ludicrously long list of insightful topics to discuss, such as ideas on death, graduation, depression, God, school, dating, etc.
Eating Lunch Alone : On Yuri's route, she eventually reveals that she sits alone at lunch due to her lack of social skill. However, she doesn't feel so bad about it, because it gives her more time to read. Eldritch Location : You wind up in one after Monika deletes most of the game's assets to ensure it's just you and her spending eternity in the club room together.
Outside the window, you can see weird patterns of light and darkness cascading along. Monika describes the game being powered off as being something akin to this.
She is bombarded with flashing lights and colours and the sounds of screaming, unable to even think straight until the player loads the game again.
She requests that the player do this to her as little as possible as a result. Evolving Title Screen : The title screen changes significantly after the player completes each act. After Sayori's death and deletion, she's replaced on the title screen throughout Act 2 by a glitched amalgamation of the other characters with the "New Game" text being glitched as well when that point is first reached.
Act 3, in which only Monika is left, skips the title screen entirely. Act 4, where Monika is gone but the others are restored, features only the three remaining girls on the title screen. Excited Show Title! You know, because it's such a bubbly and cheery game! Existential Horror : The way Monika is self-aware and how she uses this self-awareness has strong connotations of this, as she is from beginning to end defined by being a character in a romance visual novel.
To begin with, she is cursed by the fact that she is merely the tutorial character, and as such isn't one of the romanceable characters, which essentially means that she is — within the confines of the genre she exists in — in the end not really all that important for the story. Her creator has essentially doomed her to exist in the shadow of Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri; forever unable to fulfil any other role but playing second fiddle to them.
The kicker is that even when Monika gains self-awareness and the power to alter the program, all she can think of doing with this power is use it to make herself the only romanceable character because her way of thinking and viewing the world is still inherently limited by the type of game she is a character within.
Namely, a game where the goal is to gain the player's "love", and so despite all her power, that is all she can think of using it for. Eye Scream : The extreme close up of Yuri's face, with an audible pop and a momentary spurt of blood coming out of her eye.
Everything immediately goes back to normal and she doesn't acknowledge it, but then her eye starts dripping blood while she talks. The rare case in which Natsuki stops talking and her eyes pop out of her head. Again, everything immediately reverts to normal and no acknowledgement is given. Failure Is the Only Option : Even if you decide to dedicate all your poems and possible choices to Sayori, you still can't prevent her suicide. It is rendered Ret-Gone in Act 4, but the only way for her to truly be alright is if you achieve the Golden Ending.
Fan Disservice : There's a CG of Sayori wearing a cute outfit that shows off her legs, with part of her top sliding down to expose her collar and shoulder.
It's the one where she's found to have committed suicide by hanging. At the end of Act 2, the player is treated to a close-up, high-resolution picture of Yuri half-sitting, half-lying on the classroom floor with her back resting against a chair, in a manner that especially considering the previous CGs of her could have been considered suggestive or at least romantic, if not for the circumstances: she's lying there because she's dead, having just committed suicide by stabbing in an apparent fit of self-destructive excitement, with blood splattered everywhere and gaping stab wounds clearly being emphasized by the camera angle.
The player is then forced to observe this scene for the next two and a half in-game days , as Yuri's body starts decomposing while still half-sitting there in the same position.
Featureless Protagonist : The main character's face is never shown, and he has a generic personality. The closest the player can see his design is in a CG with Sayori; even then, however, the CG only displays him from behind as Sayori hugs him, showing that he has short, brown hair and a black shirt. Final Boss, New Dimension : While "boss" is cutting it close, the climax of Act 3 revolves around a direct confrontation with Monika, who traps the player into an endless loop of conversations, the backdrop of which being a darkened classroom with windows peering out into what appears to be space.
Finger-Suck Healing : Attempted by Yuri after the main character cuts his finger on one of her knives during the festival preparation scene. Finger-Tenting : Monika's in famous pose in the fourth wall room, after she successfully deletes the other characters and rewrites the game to serve as a two-way communicator between her and the player. However, attempting to load a save will seemingly start a new game, with a few noticeable changes.
It's here that things start going off the rails. Her neck then cracks to the side like The Crooked Man , and she rushes at the screen , before "END" appears in backwards letters.
A few moments later, the game continues as if nothing happened. After reading Monika's third poem in Act 2, you'll get a fake blue screen, depending on what OS you're using. Monika will quickly jump in to show it isn't real. On the Nintendo Switch version, during the scene where you watch Yuri's body decompose over the weekend after she stabs herself, the game will produce an error screen booting you back to the Switch's home screen due to something wrong with the cartridge.
Upon booting the game back up, it just takes you right back to Yuri's corpse without even having to choose to your previous save file. Flanderization : An odd example that's invoked by Monika in-universe. Her first strategy is to Mind Rape the other love interests so that their worst personality traits are exaggerated to make them less appealing. This leads to Sayori going from a girl who lives with depression who copes by presenting a Genki Girl front who makes others happy to someone who is full-blown suicidal.
Yuri goes from a Nightmare Fetishist who has some bizarre character traits like collecting knives to a Yandere that masturbates with the main character's pen, cuts herself as a sexual fetish, stares at the main character, and finally kills herself after confessing her twisted love.
Natsuki goes from being sweet but insecure with her only real Berserk Button being the idea of being infantilised to being angry and abusive as well as abused. As a result of this, Yuri's last poems become a kind of self-parody too. Normally, she likes complex words and indirect metaphors. Her second to last poem is practically Word Salad in consisting of groups of fancy words creating obtuse potentially metaphorical images.
The last one is illegible on the face of it, but apparently has been interpreted as containing a huge mess of slightly to extremely obscure words except for the end, which is just explicit and terrifying.
Foreshadowing : Has its own page. Form-Fitting Wardrobe : The school uniform blazers but not the vests, somehow are distinctly clingy around the girls' chests as if consciously designed to show off their cup sizes, which may contribute to Yuri and Natsuki's respective issues on the subject. They all end up either dead or deleted in some form during the overall story.
Obviously, with there being four girls in the club, the player character reads poems from four different sources, a. In Act 2, despite one of the girls being Ret-Gone , there are still four sources — except instead of Sayori, the player now has access to the so-called "special poems" with no clear indication of who wrote them and when, why or how it happened , although a few educated guesses can be made. Needless so to say, death as well as many other horrible things is never far away in these two acts, starting with Sayori hanging herself and only getting worse from there.
A meta example, the game ends when Act 4 is cleared. The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You : After Sayori's suicide, the player character notes that "this isn't a game where [he] can reset and try something else.
The Classroom appears in Acts 1, 2, and 4. Stream songs including "Doki Doki Literature Club! Open the Doki Doki Literature Club folder If you want to install the mod onto your Steam installation, scroll down forCopy the files from the extracted folder into the "game" subfolder. Purist Mod. No idea who that is, but if you mean they played with them in game that's because my doki doki hairs are in game, again, i don't give my models for download.
Just click the Download button and contribute a payment of or more to unlock the Fan Pack. This is the only known way so far.
Install Game. It is meant to depict D:. Again, spanish Use any of the options to extract, they all work And you copy-paste those files into your "game" folder! Start Playing After Installation. All of the tricky parts of modding are handled automatically, so you can start playing quicker than ever before. As the title implies, the clubroom is where the girls meet for the Literature Club.
Save Game file download option is a perfect choice — you will get great improvement for your game version. Past Contests. She was the first character in the game to be deleted by Monika via hanging from a noose. Latest reviews Search resources. Contains a unique ending not present in other versions.
Those include chipboard character standees, game soundtrack download, vinyl sticker sheet and more. Monika After Story picks up where Doki Doki Literature Club left off, allowing you to spend the rest of your days with Monika as your virtual girlfriend.
Download Survival Games Free. Size: 1. Lauren didn't get the cc from here. Everything about this zine was amazing - the art, the writing, the mods - and I loved every single minute of it. Doki Doki Literature Club is a popular game where you can play as a boy and you will get a chance to talk with cute Japanese girls group.
Completo, Doki Doki Literature Club! This downloadable indie game is. In 24 hours this app will be completely removed from the Google Play Store. Meet Your New Friends! Here he meets the members of the club. Then, when opening the game, click Yes, delete my existing data. Did you know Bob and soft bf were both supposed to make it as an easter egg in Doki Doki Takeover but got scrapped?
Mabey they will have a happy ending. Unbookmark this thread, clear your history, and forget that you read these last few sentences. D Doki Doki Literature Club! Bad Ending. Notable in that there are fewer poems on this route.
Your mod is still being approved. What if DDLC wasn't the spooky glitchfest it is? What if DDLC was what we all expected of it: A happy, fun visual novel, where you get to date one of the four great girls offered in the game? What if Monika had her own route, from the beginning, and never messed with anyone?
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Each poem choose words that she would like. Shout out to everyone that was a part of that mod. Deconstructed in Yuri and Sayori's bad endings and Natsuki's neutral endings. Missed Doki Doki Part 1? Watch it Here! There's a bad ending, a best ending and a special ending.
Doki Doki Literature Club. Open the unzip file. A hub dedicated to providing, organizing and archiving every publicly released mod with an easy to use interface! Is this your first time installing a mod for Doki Doki Literature Club or you're unsure how to install a specific mod? The mod has a route made for Monika where you can write poems for her, having new history.
Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. She will. Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. It covers the contents of Manga volumes 5 to 11 there are in total 16 Manga. Yuri will [[spoiler:grow to hate herself for becoming codependent on MC]], Sayori will [[grow to resent MC for not being there for her,]] and Natsuki will [[spoiler:break up with MC because she feels like MC is always trying to save her]].
Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. This will be one of your greatest challenges. Warning: do not use the green "Clone or download" button to download the Version 1. Just you and Monika I'm assuming. But first make sure that you've already finished downloading the mod file and also make sure that you have the WinRAR app if im not wrong, this app is already installed in all windows devices but just to make sure cuz in some case, people restart their windows just like me and forgot to do data backup and yep all the True Route, formerly known as Monika Route, is a Doki Doki Literature Club!
The horror romantic novel has beaten all the positive ratings! Mod Creado por: Team Blue Skies. D: I think if Blue Skies did have a Monika route it would be similar to act 3 in the original game. Monika's ending is extremely difficult to achieve; I still haven't nailed down the exact sequence of poem Doki Doki! And that's okay! But the short way to get them all is right here!