Using Telegram Web the task can be achieved and the process is really simple. You just have to add an extension to your Chrome browser. After that, click on the extension icon available at the top-right. The extension will automatically extract the conversation and you just have to click on the save icon given at the bottom.
Your chat history is finally saved on your Windows PC or Mac in the form of a document. You can locate the file and read your conversations without making any use of Telegram now. This method has one disadvantage as compared to the method using the Telegram desktop app. The user can save the text messages easily but saving photos, videos or anything else is not possible. Here is how it can be done.
From all the modern messengers, Telegram has most lightweight Desktop app and nice features like history synced across all your devices, large file transfer up to 2 GB , free stickers and a lot of other features often implemented better than in similar apps.
Starting with version 1. The change log for the app looks as follows. The export chat history feature supports all kinds of conversations, including your personal Saved Messages, bots, channels, group chats and individual chats.
To export an individual chat history to a file in Telegram Desktop , do the following. The chat history will be exported to a number of HTML files. The media data, e.
The exported history looks closer to the default Telegram chat style. The feature doesn't apply extra styling like your current theme. Instead, it uses a plain white background and default colors. Lonami Thanks for the tip.
Also thanks for posting an example using TelegramClient on the github page. It was really helpful! Could you please update the code because it raises error as shown here gist.
Show 1 more comment. Yes but programmatically it can be useful to automate the process. Imagine you need to save chats, you click manually to export on each of them or you do a nice script you can run as a cron job? I prefer the python way tbh ; — firepol. Remove or change for more. Lonami Lonami 3, 1 1 gold badge 16 16 silver badges 27 27 bronze badges. Then what is the chat variable here?
The chat is just an example indicating that "anything that can be interpreted as a chat" will work. Yes, input peers or chat IDs work fine. Sean Sean 6, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges. Then to obtain message history of a entry such as channel, group or chat : from telethon. Muhammadreza Akhgari Muhammadreza Akhgari 1 1 1 bronze badge. Vadim Vadim 5 5 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges.
Namun, banyak orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana cara melihat chat archive di Telegram atau cara mengembalikan archive chat Telegram, maupun bagaimana cara mengarsipkannya. Nah, untuk itu, yuk simak ulasan lengkapnya berikut! Bagi sebagian orang, mungkin tidak akan asing dengan istilah arsip pesan. Pasalnya, di aplikasi messenger lainnya seperti WhatsApp pun terdapat fitur arsip ini. Di mana, ketika Anda ingin pesan yang dikirimkan oleh oranglain jadi pribadi dan tidak bisa dilihat oleh banyak orang, maka bisa mengarsipkannya.
Begitu dengan fitur yang ada di Telegram ini, Anda bisa menyembunyikan pesan dan mengarsipkannya agar tidak dilihat banyak orang.
Meskipun secara tidak langsung pesan tersebut disembunyikan, namun Anda masih tetap bisa melihatnya. Karena ada cara melihat pesan yang diarsipkan di Telegram bahkan mengembalikannya ke semula. Dengan begitu, meskipun Anda sudah menyembunyikan pesan, tidak perlu khawatir jika pesan tersebut akan menghilang atau bahkan terhapus.