To outpace is to be faster than and to outwit or outfox is to be more clever than. Usage: Far from being atypically bawdy, this limerick is a paradigm of the form—nearly all of them rely on off-color jokes.
Related Words: Partisan partial to a particular party, group, etc. Predilection, Propensity, Proclivity, and Bent are all words for a preference or inclination He has an arrogant bent about him, and a propensity to offend others. People are trapped in the rubble of an earthquake, and you suggest that we vote for your tax bill in exchange for your voting for our relief bill?
Related Words: Partial biased, prejudiced; having a special liking for something More Info: Partisan is related to the idea of a party as in a political party.
A party or other self- interested group can also be called a faction. Partisanship gone too far could be called factionalism.
Bipartisan means pertaining to both parties typically in a two-party system , and nonpartisan means unbiased or not affiliated with a party. Related Words: Blatant means obvious or flagrant and is used to describe something bad blatantly disregarding the rules. His patronizing tone has been driving me crazy. Not only does he assume we can barely add or subtract, he also makes us put our heads down and have a moment of silence.
More Info: As a verb, patronize means to be a patron of—that is, to support with money. You can be a patron of the arts, and restaurants sometimes have signs thanking you for your patronage.
This meaning is positive, while being patronizing is negative. Related Words: Predilection, Propensity, Proclivity, and Bent are all words for a preference or inclination He has an arrogant bent about him, and a propensity to offend others. Partial means biased, or having a special liking for something or someone. A person with a penchant leans metaphorically in a certain direction. Related Words: Apostate person who deserts a party, cause, religion, etc.
Whether it has good fitness facilities is really a peripheral concern. Related Words: Pervade is a synonym. Related Words: Omnipresent and ubiquitous mean existing everywhere. Related Words: Faux, apocryphal, and spurious all mean fake or counterfeit. A phony person may possess various affectations fake behavior, such as in speech or dress, adopted to give a certain impression.
Naturally, only similarly pious suitors need apply. Related Words: Gist means main idea. To distill is to purify as water or extract the essential elements of as an idea. More Info: Pith is also the central part of a plant stem, feather, or hair. To pith cattle is to kill it by severing the spinal cord—that is, the central part. A pith helmet worn in battle is so called because it was originally made from the pith of the Bengal spongewood tree.
Lake Placid is a real place in New York, though, and seems to have been named with much the same thought in mind as the Pacific Ocean pacific also means peaceful. More Info: As a noun, a plummet or plumb bob is a weight on the end of a cord. To plumb or sound the depths of a body of water is to drop a plummet or sounding line and see how much cord is used when the plummet hits the bottom, and therefore how deep the water is. When something plummets, the idea is that it is falling fast and straight down, as though it has been weighted.
Related Words: Faction group or clique within a larger organization , Partisan partial to a particular party, group, etc. She was so bored she thought she would die. Related Words: Tedium that which is tiresome due to being too long, dull, or slow, as in The plot moved at a tedious pace More Info: To ponder is simply to contemplate or think deeply about.
But ponderous means boring, difficult to make your way through. His novel The Garden of Eden was published posthumously in Posthumous also shares a root with humus—earth or soil, as in the kind a deceased person is buried in. Not to be confused with hummus, the spread made from chickpeas. Related Words: A prologue is an introductory part, usually of a work of literature. Related Words: Parlous is a synonym. More Info: Predisposed certainly is related to the idea of being disposed.
While to dispose of something is to throw it away, to be disposed to do something is to be inclined to or willing to do it. For instance, He is disposed to be a good host.
He sure did sound fancy, though. Related Words: Ostentatious pretentious, boastfully showy in order to impress others More Info: Pretentious shares an origin with pretend and pretense pretending or making a false show of something. Related Words: Scrupulous can mean principled strictly following moral rules , or can mean precise, exact, careful about the details.
More Info: A principle is a moral rule. A principal is the head of a school, and principal as an adjective means first or most important the money you owe on student loans, not including the interest, is the principal. Thus, you could say something like My principal principle is never to lie.
So it truly took his breath away, after hiking hours through the Himalayas, to visit a pristine forest, seemingly untouched by humans. Related Words: Unadulterated and unsullied are near-synonyms. Related Words: Profligate utterly immoral or extremely prodigal , Wastrel or Spendthrift wasteful person More Info: In the Biblical story of the prodigal son, a son asks his dad if he can have his inheritance now, before the dad dies rude!
Usage: The Great Wall of China consists of a prodigious series of fortifications stretching over 5, miles! Related Words: Prodigious can be good or bad, but Titanic and Olympian specifically mean large or majestic in a manner suitable for the gods. More Info: Prodigious shares an origin with prodigy very gifted child. Related Words: Exorbitant means excessive, especially by being outrageously expensive.
Related Words: Prolific means producing a lot of something — generally either offspring rabbits are prolific or creative work a prolific songwriter. More Info: A phrase associated with the Cold War was nuclear proliferation, the rapid buildup of nuclear weapons.
Related Words: Preamble introductory statement, preface—such as the Preamble to the Constitution More Info: An epilogue is a concluding portion added after a literary work.
More Info: Of course, we pronounce a word, but pronounce can also mean declare, as in, He pronounced the book the best thing he had ever read. Related Words: Pedestrian means commonplace, dull, or lacking imagination.
Quotidian means daily or commonplace as daily things tend to be. Something lackluster is unexciting. Humdrum means boring or dull.
Related Words: Circumspect cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences , Provident showing foresight, being frugal or careful to provide for the future, thinking ahead in a wise way More Info: The antonym is imprudent.
Related Words: Belligerent, bellicose, and truculent are synonyms. Related Words: Tentative done in order to test; uncertain , Temper moderate, soften, tone down More Info: Of course, everyone knows qualified in the sense of qualified for the job. Use context to determine which meaning is intended. A qualified person is suitable or well-prepared for the job; a qualified statement or feeling is held back or limited.
Related Words: Mired stuck, entangled in a swamp or muddy area or a problem that is hard to get out of. Related Words: Mundane is a synonym. Pedestrian and prosaic mean commonplace, dull, or lacking imagination. Diurnal means occurring every day or happening in the daytime. The other use of ranks is also originally related to the military: the ranks or sometimes the rank and file means all the regular soldiers not the officers.
Related Words: Reap and sow are used together or separately as metaphors related to farming, and specifically the idea that the seeds that you plant or sow determine what you will later harvest or reap. A common expression is You reap what you sow. Related Words: Gainsay deny, refute, oppose , Negate deny or refute; make void or cause to be ineffective More Info: An opposite of refute is corroborate confirm.
Related Words: Redress setting something right after a misdeed More Info: Something irremediable cannot be remediated. You can even render fat by melting it ; many definitions of render have to do with changing the state of something. Related Words: Admonish means scold or mildly criticize.
Reprove, upbraid, reprimand, rebuke, excoriate, and castigate are all words for criticizing or scolding more harshly. Lee repudiated his former citizenship.
Related Words: Recant withdraw, retract, or disavow something one has previously said, esp. Related Words: Redress setting something right after a misdeed; compensation or relief for injury or wrongdoing , Recompense repay, reward, compensate More Info: Most people only know this word in the phrase unrequited love.
Even when no match was found for her son in the first year, her resolve was undampened. Related Words: Resolute firmly determined , Unequivocal clear or decided , Resolution the quality of being firmly determined; resolving to do something; a formal judgment, esp. More Info: Respectively is important in making the meaning clear in some sentences.
More Info: The expression in retrospect is often used to express what the speaker would have done or thought in the past if he knew what he knows now.
Related Words: Pious devout; religiously reverent and dutiful More Info: This word comes from the same place as reverend a minister, as in a church. Today, if you want to improve your rhetorical skills, you will probably have to hunt down a public speaking class or join Toastmasters. Related Words: Oratorical is a synonym. Related Words: Inchoate just begun, undeveloped, unorganized , Nascent and Incipient just beginning to exist, or in a very early stage of development More Info: Rudimentary shares a root with rude.
Rude originally meant crude or unlearned—that is, lacking rudiments first principles or early training. Related Words: Bumpkin and yokel are also words for an awkward, uncultured, simple person, generally from the country.
Related Words: Sapient synonym , Prudent wise in practical matters, carefully providing for the future , Circumspect cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences , Perspicacious very perceptive, insightful More Info: A sage is a respected wise person. Sage is also an herb. Related Words: Salutary is a synonym.
More Info: This word can be very confusing—its two definitions seem to be opposites. Allow and penalize? A person with too much phlegm would be phlegmatic sluggish, gloomy ; a person with too much bile would be bilious bitter, mean ; and a person ruled by blood would be sanguine. I feel like such a sap.
Although the pictures were a bit dark, the photographer was able to increase the saturation in Photoshop, making our wedding photos ultimately look quite vivid! More Info: Savory means appetizing or enjoyable. It can refer to foods that are pungent, salty, etc. Related Words: A modicum, scintilla, iota, mite, or tad of something is a small amount. A paucity or dearth is scarcity or lack. Related Words: Assiduous is a synonym. Let it grow any more, it might become sentient! A rock, a very intoxicated person, and a murderer could all be described as insensate.
Related Words: Synchronous and concurrent are synonyms. In a GRE Reading Comprehension passage, an author might be skeptical a very appropriate attitude for a scientist, for instance , but would never be cynical. It was exhausting changing the subject two dozen times! Related Words: Myriad can also mean a very great number of something probably bigger than a slew. Related Words: Somnolent is a synonym. More Info: Sopor is a rare word meaning an abnormally deep sleep.
A much more common word is the similar sounding stupor, meaning a state of numbness or not making sense for instance, a drunken stupor. Related Words: Fathom and Plumb used as verbs are synonyms. More Info: A sounding line or plumb line is a length of rope with a weight at the bottom; dropping it into water will allow the weight to sink and the depth of the water to be measured. Instead, we sat in hard-backed chairs and drank water.
Students know that strong vocabulary skills are crucial in order to earn a high overall score. With this fully updated and revised edition of New GRE Flashcards, students can take advantage of: Flashcards featuring of the toughest and most probable words on the exam, along with their definitions Synonyms and a pronunciation key for every word on every flashcard The magic context: every word is used in a sentence to help with mastery New GRE Vocabulary Flashcards provides students with everything they need to improve their scores—guaranteed.
Kaplan's Higher Score guarantee provides security that no other test preparation guide on the market can match. Kaplan has helped more than three million students to prepare for standardized tests. We know that our test-taking techniques and strategies work and our materials are completely up-to-date. New GRE Vocabulary Flashcards is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to score higher! Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online assets included with the product.
Manhattan Prep's best-selling 5 lb. In addition, the book now includes new mixed timed sets, a cheat sheet of key math rules, and micro drills to test individual skills. The heart of the book is over 1, practice problems covering every topic tested on the GRE, making it an essential resource for students at any level.
Developed by our expert instructors, the problems in this book are sensibly grouped into practice sets and mirror those found on the GRE in content, form, and style. Students can build fundamental skills in math and verbal through targeted practice while easy-to-follow explanations and step-by-step applications help cement their understanding of the concepts tested on the GRE.
With updated content and new practice problems, they are the richest, most content-driven GRE materials on the market. Master the art of translating challenging word problems into organized data through a complete review of algebraic translations, ratios, statistics, probability, and more. Each chapter provides comprehensive coverage of the subject matter through rules, strategies, and in-depth examples to help you build confidence and content mastery.
In addition, the guide contains "Check Your Skills" quizzes as you progress through the material, complete problem sets at the end of every chapter, and mixed drill sets at the end of the book to help you build accuracy and speed. It is. Want to improve your GRE score by 7 points?
We have the industry's leading GRE prep program. Built by world-class instructors with 99th percentile GRE scores , the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through machine learning data science, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. While this system could do for learning some vocab in a pinch, there are a few things about it that prevent me from being able to give a strong endorsement:.
The Magoosh printable GRE vocabulary flashcards have some nice features, but there are some major things about them that are awkward or confusing. However, the themes of the different GRE vocabulary lists tend to be a little hit-or-miss. However, other lists are based on word origins and bases, which could help you identify patterns that will aid you when you encounter unfamiliar words on the GRE.
Unfortunately, the usefulness of these cards is really undercut by a couple of things. First, all of the cards are written in an awkward and unintuitive fill-in-the-blank format. This makes it hard to really easily connect the word with the definition. Second, the example sentences sometimes use a different form of the word than the one given on the card i.
So unless you already know the different forms and how to use them, you could be incredibly confused about how to appropriately deploy the word. There are options for one- and two-sided flash cards.
So someone else would have to quiz you with them for them to be useful. Sheppard offers a couple of options with their GRE word lists, including a GRE flash card application, quizzes, and printable word lists. Honestly, the Sheppard GRE flashcard application is sub-par. Cards appear in a random order from the selected set. You click on the card to get the definition. Of course, while having instant recall of the definitions is great, you also need to understand how these words are deployed in context.
Thus, another great way to use these sheets is to write sentences that use each word. This will help make sure that you understand how the words are used in context. Learning vocab is an essential part of preparing for the Verbal section of the GRE.
Some of the most essential prep resources come from ETS. But you need to know how to use them effectively! We've written a eBook about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your GRE score. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics.
View all posts by Ellen McCammon.