Idm error cannot rename downloaded file

Wah… bagaimana nasib filenya? Jangan khawatir anda masih bisa mengembalikan file hasil download tersebut, tapi dengan sedikit berusaha. The file has been saved in temp folder. Error diatas berarti proses download anda selesai tapi folder tujuannya tidak tersedia, maka IDM akan mengeluarkan pesan error tidak bisa memindahkan file download dari folder temp ke lokasi tujuan penyimpanan.

Jadi file yang didownload bukannya hilang tapi karena lokasi penyimpanan yang salah maka tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan, anda masih bisa menyelamatkan file yang didownload IDM ini.

Cannot rename downloaded file from temp folder. After I received this error, I double-clicked the downloaded file— it was not working. I tried to download this file again and again, but I was receiving same error. Can anyone tell me the solution? Go To Solution. Cannot rename downloaded file from temp folder To solve this problem you must follow the path given in the message box and delete that entry or delete the file which is downloaded.

About Lukasz zen. Questions 4. Answers 7. Best Answers 4. Vote Up 0 Vote Down. Best Answer. Cannot rename downloaded file from temp folder Hi, I guess there is a problem in the files you are about to rename. The cause of the file that cannot be change or rename is either it is infected with a virus and your file that you try to open is corrupted. Sometimes, a file can be infected and the reason for this is, where did you saved the file, what or where did you get the file.

Sometimes a portable USB can be the reason of infecting all the files that are saved in your USB, thus, this will be infected and can infect the other system in your computer and corrupt your OS or the files you are using upon inserting to your unit. Just Go to the data where you saved the file and delete it then download the file again in different data.

Or make a new folder in data D then saved it in there. I hope this tips will work.. About Michael French. Questions 0. Answers Best Answers 2.

It might not be compatible to your OS. About 13thwarrior.


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