Make sure to verify your image after downloading it. Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones. Linux Mint Information Size: 1. Download mirrors Download from one of the mirrors below. Manitoba Unix User Group. University of Waterloo Computer Science Club. Clarkson University. Harvard School of Engineering. James Madison University.
MetroCast Cablevision. Purdue Linux Users Group. Syringa Networks. Team Cymru. University of Washington, Mathematics. US Internet. XMission Internet. Netix Ltd. University of Ruse. UPC Ceska republika. Be a Lama, Inc. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.
Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Linux Mint - EMBED for wordpress.
Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! When you done, you have to boot your computer and as a first boot defice specify that USB memory stick. The rest is the same as it's already described for DVD image above. If you already burned. Benefits of installing the hard disk compared to LIVE mode is faster response of the whole system and keeping all the changes you make in the course of work, files and settings are not deleted after the restart as in LIVE mode.
During installation, it will detect the presence of an already existing computer system Win XP, Win 7, Win 8, etc.. Or if you want to ,you can tell the installer to remove an existing operating system that you already have in your computer and install only this, all of course depends on your desire.
If you are not well informed about how to install linux on the hard disk - than try first to inform yourself about it before you commit to this procedure. Consequences due to improper installation be losing the existing contents of the partitions of your PC.
If you decide to install this release on your hard disk- it is important to note that prior to the installation should be left empty hard disk space unallocated disk space that will be reserved for Linux files.
After selecting the desired changes to the partitions click on 'Edit' and then on 'Apply All Operations' and the changes will be made. Then run the installer and follow these steps 1 Choose the language and click Continue. You need to click on the desired partition and click below on 'Change'. Confirm the 'OK' and wait for the change to apply. Since this distro have the same default password for both accounts super user and normal user don't forget to change both of them.
To check whether user account password is working- simply run any of the software that require administrative privilegues such as Synaptic Package Manager or Software Manager and you will be prompted to enter USER password. After the kernel is loaded you can change the password of any existing user by typing: passwd [type account username] and enter NEW password twice.