Average Rating 7 ratings. Our first free! Bundles containing this product:. Shattered Core v1. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 1. Please log in to add or reply to comments. Ric M. A POST ragnarok type world along with the surviving races. A non-d20 based system. And they really took their time to get it right. RicMTheGM [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories.
Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Modiphius 2d Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games. Gift Certificates. Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. Phone PDF. Virtual Tabletops. STL 3D Model. It's Never Dark Enough. Gift Certificates.
Create Content for your Favorite Games. About Us. Privacy Policy. Our Latest Newsletter. Product Reviews. Newsletter RSS Feed. Start Over Advanced Search. Selected Products. Products found in this section Shattered is a self-contained tabletop RPG that is built on a unique die system providing players with a tangible sense of growth.
Inhabit one of eight distinct races and explore the dangerous post-apocalyptic world of Feneryss. Millennia ago, millions sacrificed themselves in a ritual to the dark god, Ragnarok.
The blood rite failed Shattered Core v1. This PDF includes a full-color map that details all the regions of Feneryss and shows the locations of cities and other important locations. We have also included distance charts from the major cities to every other named location on the map!
You're not locked into a class, and you're free to build in whatever direction you want to go, but there is a lot of good-feeling crunch and it's all organized well, so you're not going to get lost in an abyss of unclear choices a la Exalted.
Shattered's creation starts with eight species to choose from, with flavors ranging from dieselpunk to fey to gothic to geigeresque. From there, you spend XP to buy points in your stats. Each stat combines with other stats to determine derived values like your movement speed, saves, supernatural aptitude, etc. Skills are bought the same way as stats, and they do what you'd expect.
Talents take the same role as feats, giving you little ways to break the normal flow of the game's rules. The exact dice system Shattered uses is a little odd, but it's not hard to learn. My instinct is to second-guess this, but honestly it works, so I think my instinct is wrong.
Combat is crunchy and action-economy-based, but I like the feel of it more than I like the feel of combat in something like Pathfinder or 5e. D20 combat tends to orient around allocating your one Move and your one Attack in the most efficient way you can manage. Shattered, on the other hand, spoils you with resources and then expects you to do the most you can with them. You start your turn with a pool of 5 AP.
You can spend 2 AP for a standard attack. Or 3 AP for a charge. Or 1 AP for a move. Or varying amounts between 1 and 5 AP for the twenty five other common combat maneuvers. This translates into a significant feeling of freedom when your turn rolls around, and Shattered also does a good job of making the parts of combat that aren't your turn feel fun as well.
For example, when you get attacked, you get a Reaction. You can choose to block and reduce the damage or dodge and maybe negate it entirely. Depending on your build, you may have more options than this, but even one choice about how to respond to an attack feels like a significant step up from waiting for the GM to roll dice and hoping your numbers hold. Another noteworthy part of combat is status effects, which help to give the game a more robust meta.
Raw damage isn't the only path to victory, and taking damage isn't the only hazard you need to play around.