Code: Select all. No answer to your question? How to write posts. Fri Nov 06, pm so if i understand, if you have a hotspot you can tell a friend to login with his device laptop,phone,tablet mac address.
Fri Nov 06, pm freemannnn You still need to add that mac-address as user in your hotspot or radius, before that persons phone can get authenticated with system. This might be useful for all kind of mobile POS systems and things like that in environment where all devices are behind a hotspot server. CrazyMonkey just joined. Vaxter just joined. Fri Nov 06, pm WinBox is missing from build. Ther is an when clicked on winbox link in web interface.
Fri Nov 06, pm hotspot - add login-timeout setting to force login for unauth hosts and what is this doing exactly Fri Nov 06, pm I found out, Add login-timeout is the timeout a device stays in hosts tab list. After that time it is deleted. Balmungmp5 Trainer. UpRunTech Member Candidate. Fri Nov 06, pm msport, freemannnn Regarding "login-timeout" for hotspot. In some situations there was a problem that automatic login or redirect to hotspot portal didn't occur for some reason.
Usually people were solving this problem by script that deletes these host entries after a while or manually. For more neat approach we added this timer. Which by default is disabled, so if desired then needs to enabled by setting it to interval value that best fits your setup. When click enable and start, it just briefly indicates start and then stopped. Fri Nov 06, pm the final 6. Sat Nov 07, am the final 6. With great knowledge comes great responsibility, because of ability to recognize id And does this apply to EoIP ipsec?
Sat Nov 07, am "hotspot - add mac-auth-mode setting for mac-as-passwd option" so what exactly does this? Getting the most out of this forum. Sat Nov 07, am DNS fully broken for me. MartijnVdS Frequent Visitor. Ulypka Frequent Visitor. Sat Nov 07, pm Where is "fastpath - added per interface fastpath counters"? I haven't found it. Sun Nov 08, am Torrent? The request is rather persistent until the device receives some kind of answer, and happens at least after reboots.
Is this behaviour hinted at somewhere in the changelog? Seems to be remnants of some testing setup, with funny side effects when released to the public :- x. Mon Nov 09, am when will support igmp snooping? Mon Nov 09, am bjornr and ckleea would be nice if you sent support output files to the support. Create the file after your attempt to start your image file.
Also, while at it, check if you have kernel and initrd files supplied for the configuration. Together with the incompatibility of the v3 betas of Winbox this really sucks. Mon Nov 09, pm chg - Have you used Branding maker to modify this router? Winbox is not saved on router any more.
Cha0s Forum Guru. Mon Nov 09, pm I agree with jarda. Mon Nov 09, pm It is preventing to download compatible winbox from ros device when no access to Internet from any reason. It is big step back. NetflashTechnical just joined. Does that include LAC support? It'd be nice to aggregate all our line edge routers to central powerhouse routers for PPPoE, and ideally if we can do separate domains it would let us set up a reseller network through our infrastructure!
Aarriaga just joined. Mon Nov 09, pm In 6. It will still connect and the client is able to reach the router but no systems behind it multiple subnets including the same as the router. Interestingly everything is working when I enable packet sniffing or torch on the interface.
Anyone else affected by the same issue or able to explain it? You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Last edited by rioven on Mon Nov 09, pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Nov 09, pm winbox. Mon Nov 09, pm Will have to find a solution how to properly exempt the IPSec traffic from these rules now. Mon Nov 09, pm hello after upgrade to ros 6.
Xyl just joined. Tue Nov 10, am Everyone who is noticing unusual traffic on your router - we have managed to reproduce this issue and we will fix it as soon as possible. The router is checking the ssh key for amazon cloud installation environments, a feature coming later. Tue Nov 10, am chg - Have you used Branding maker to modify this router?
Tue Nov 10, am jarda - Winbox is too large to store it on router. Since there are flash directories on routers for a while now and HDD space is limited we decided to store Winbox on our download site. Posting Komentar Luangkan sedikit waktu Anda untuk berkomentar. Perlu kita ketahui terlebih dahulu bahwa mikrotik adalah salah satu jenis router yang banyak digunakan di indonesia. Fungsi router sendiri ada banyak, salah sastu yang istimewa adalah management bandwith.
Secara default, fungsi router adalah menghubungkan ip atau network yang berbeda. Misal ip address kelas c dan ip address kelas b. Coba download dulu virtuabl box nya disini VirtualBox v5. Tutorial ini akan saya lanjutkan dengan bagaimana cara kita mensetting mikrotik di virtualbox menggunakan winbox.
Jadi ada 2 komunikasi jaringan nantinya. Yaitu virtualbox dan komputer atau laptop yang kita gunakan. Secara default, temen-temen harus mengetahui banyak tentang ip address lho.
Setelah virtualbox sudah terinstal dengan baik. Kita sudah memiliki file mikrotik v6. Tampilan awal akan seperti diatas. Ketik saja Name 'Mikrotik' dan berikutnya klik tombol next. Biasanya secara otomatis langsung menjadi 64 Mb, tetapi karena laptop saya menggunakan RAM sebesar 4 Gb, maka saya setting memory size menjadi Mb atau 1 Gb. Ukuran bebas ya. Semakin besar semakin baik. Langkah Ketiga : Setelah memory size selesai, saatnya setting harddisk image virtual.
Saya sih pilih default saja. Klik aja Create ya. Also, get access to wireless and use VPN services. You can never explicit the hotspot or backhaul linking etc. In an exact order to arrange everything as you need. It turns on the PC speed to work smoothly. By using this special software you can handle the VPN and gateway features that are necessary for you. Now, you can manage up to 5 PC at a time using it.
The Router setting and other devices are there to assemble the control of your network. MikroTik Keygen is the software enabling tool. It integrates the two parts of this software. These two parts bring valuable importance for accessing and performing a job for the operating system.
So, when you obtain these parts to you. Hence, you can access these computers easily. With it, you can provide a firewall, bandwidth, WiFi access point, hotspot gateway, VPN server and much more. MikroTik Pro 7. All the electronic pieces of equipment can be made using this toolkit with enhanced and powerful features.
It is supporting you to, ake and sell the products like routers, wires, and wireless devices. First of all, This software lets you make the software and hardware configuration in full security using the hardware components. Now, it works inefficient ways and letting you the capability of providing products all over the world. Let, MikroTik Crack supporting any type of routers and network devices in just full configurations.
Moreover, MikroTik Crack Provides more stability, connectivity, flexibility, and control to the devices.