How to provide a file download link in angularjs

Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. Active 4 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 56k times. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Happy Coding!!! URL window. Sagar Desai Sagar Desai 1 1 gold badge 3 3 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Make the download via angularJS is not a good way. But, it is working fine for interpolation not for second one.

I can't find link for download url via angularjs. Please provide it. Show 8 more comments. In this tutorial you will learn to download and install AngularJS library in a web based application. We will also show you how to use it for making a simple AngularJS example program. AngularJS is JavaScript library which is distributed as a single JavaScript file, you can download this JavaScript library and include into your application. Here is the screenshot of the same:. Now click it on the "Download" link to download library js file.

Additionally, a download has a number indicating the download progress from 1 to Once a download is done, it will contain a Blob as its content - until then this property is not available, therefore null. Now we want to abstract from specific HTTP events to our newly defined data structure.

This way our components can be decoupled from the underlying network protocol. Since we're dealing with multiple events coming in over time, a RxJS operator is well suited here - so let's create one! The first step for this will be the creation of type guards helping us to distinguish different HTTP events.

This way we can access event-specific fields in a type-safe way. They both contain the discriminator field type allowing us to easily return a boolean for the type assertion in our guards. The guards can be used with a simple if-statement, however, TypeScript will narrow the event type inside the statement block for us:. Based on these guards we can now create our custom operator. It'll leverage scan , an operator that allows us to accumulate state for successive values coming through an observable.

It takes up to two arguments: First, we provide an accumulator function which will compute the next Download state from the previous one and the current HttpEvent. Second, we'll pass a seed to scan representing the initial Download state. This seed will represent our download being pending without any progress or content:. Our accumulator will use the previously defined guard to update the Download state over time with information from the HTTP events:.

When we encounter a HttpProgressEvent , we calculate the progress based on the number of bytes already loaded and the total bytes. A download is done when we receive a HttpResponse containing the file contents in its body. When receiving any other events than HttpProgressEvent or HttpResponse , we won't alter the download's state and return it as it is.

This way, for example, we can keep the information in the progress property while other events that won't allow us to compute the progress can be ignored for now. Anything unclear? Let's finally define our custom operator that's using scan with our accumulator and seed :. Notice that this download operator accepts an optional parameter saver. Once a HTTP response is received, this function is invoked with the download content from inside the accumulator.

This allows us to pass in a strategy for persisting the download to a file without directly coupling the operator to FileSaver. By keeping FileSaver. The download operator can be tested without somehow mocking the saveAs import see here for corresponding tests. If we apply the same pattern to the service, we'll be able to test it just as easy.


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